Monday, September 6, 2010


Another beautiful fallish day, cool this morning and breezy. We ate breakfast at Rembrandt's and while Caroline was eating her 4th tooth (top right) tooth fell out! She was super excited, yelled "Blood!" and ran inside to get a napkin. Nicholas slept the whole time and after we ate we went shopping at Wal-mart. I dropped them off at Mimi's and I came home. I fed Nick and then spent some time holding him on the screen porch while Art worked on a new gate latch to try to keep Waddell in. I made potato salad, fried okra and mixed beans for the dinner at Mimi's and some tuna dip for Art. We watched football and drank some beer before heading over to mom's. Art loved sitting in the sun with his beer, tuna dip and football game on.

Dinner was good - we had chicken wings and mom made a coconut cream pie (not as good as Serendipity though). She even made me one to bring home. Caroline spent the night, again and we came home at 10.

I went to bed while Art rocked Nicholas...around 10:30.

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