Sunday, September 5, 2010


Today we were up at 3am, 6am and then 9am. It was chilly out so I fed Nicholas inside and then showered while Art made breakfast.  I put on capri yoga pants and a t-shirt and after we ate our waffles (Caroline's choice) I sat outside on the screen porch with Art & read the paper. Mimi picked Caroline up for the day and Art & I took Nicholas for a walk on the was gorgeous outside. He slept the entire ride. We came home and spent the afternoon watching football outside. Art was in heaven - tanning, football & beer. Ben even came over to join him. I sat with Nicholas on the screen porch. We picked up Crust pizza and took it to mom's for dinner. We ate outside and Katy came by to hang out at 9pm. We left at 10. Now I'm about to wake Nicholas for a late feeding so maybe we'll get a longer night's sleep. Art is already snoring on the couch!

Photos of Art & Nicholas at Mimi's and the cupcakes Caroline & mimi made

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